The Moon in Cancer


Today the Moon is in the sign of Cancer. Which means, that now is a perfect opportunity to enter in the realm of tuning into your emotions, your deepest feelings and embracing the great, sad, and questionable. Pay attention and notice what you’re feeling and the mood shifts you may experience. THIS IS NORMAL!

Now that you know it’s normal, give yourself permission to feel without suppression: if you’re happy, express that joy, if you’re sad, cry, let your tears flow, and go outside and yell if you’re angry or confused. Feel it and don’t run! It’s in the place of feeling your emotions, that you are actually able to walk through the portal of healing and growth. It’s in this place of feeling that you able to fully nurture yourself and love yourself, no matter what your mood depicts. For in this place of emotional embrace, self-actualization occurs!

As you connect to the pieces within, share those pieces with the world around you. Listen, see and empathize with your family, friends and with mankind. This will allow you to build beautiful bridges of understanding and support during a time when many are suffering.

Tune in and embrace the I AM that’s speaking from within!

20 on 20 Mindful Meditation Challenge Update

We are on the 8th day of a powerful experience of stilling the mind and meditating daily at 8am for 20 mins. Our founder, Lorenzo Sanford, has done an incredible job guiding our group through the meditation by encouraging us to focus on and tap into the moon energy available each day. Through this experience, I’ve been able to quiet my busy mind and intentionally sit, listen and come into alignment with God, myself and the powerful energy of our universe.

We have 12 days left! It’s not too late to join in. You will receive access to all of the recordings of the meditations, along with the moon sign energy directives for each day. I encourage you not to miss the opportunity to begin or continue a practice that can change your life.

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