New Moon In Gemini
The New Moon Is In Gemini
Can you think on your feet?
Gemini New Moon at 10:38am PDT / 1:38pm EDT at 2 degrees Gemini.
It is the time of year when festivals flourish. Music festivals, arts festivals, book festivals, etc. It is the time of year when people exchange ideas and information and often it occurs while folks are out mixing and mingling in a light and gregarious social setting. It is Gemini season! Of course with a world wide pandemic happening, activity is being halted. But you can still feel it in the air. People are ready to move and meet and greet each other. The New Moon in Gemini is being felt all over. This is fitting, as the New Moon’s ruler, Mercury, is in its own sign (Gemini). But The New Moon itself is forming a trine with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn is retrograde. It is gently asking us to slow down. It is also asking us to plan carefully what our next steps will be, before we act. We can certainly look to the future, but let’s do so with a strong sense of collective responsibility.
Mercury is just separating from a challenging aspect with Neptune. We are therefore wise to not believe everything we hear, no matter who the information is coming from. We have to be willing to consider other points of view. Most importantly, we must not simply believe what we are told just because we want it to be true. We must fact check no matter how easy it is to rationalize.
Creative Venus joins Mercury in Gemini and this might normally be a great time for a light hearted party. But Venus is also moving retrograde, essentially saying, the party needs to be reconciled with how we can be connected in somewhat uncomfortable ways. And Mercury is closely approaching a difficult aspect to Pluto in Capricorn, which is also retrograde. These planetary movements are all pointing to the need for us to dig deeper than we might normally want to.
For those who are willing to find new ways of communicating, the feeling of sharing with a community can still happen. We just need to be flexible and willing to not get stuck in old ways just because we have always done it that way. Think on your feet, move your mind at the same time as you engage your body. Most of all, plan something that will keep you interested and motivated to grow.
Have a great idea that you want to bounce off of others? This is the time to schedule a Zoom call to explore the idea through feedback from colleagues or friends.
Life is in flux. We don’t know where we will be next week. But if we are simply aware of what’s at stake and prepare cautiously, we can still dare to look ahead with hope and optimism.