Are You Ready To Invest In Your Peace, Happiness,

and Fulfillment? 

Accountability Coach and Astrologer Lorenzo Sanford partners with you on a path to purpose and transformation. He will help you discover clarity and support you with the confidence to have the life you want. 

Lorenzo combines his deep understanding of planetary frequencies, his spiritual intuition, accountability strategies, and lessons in wisdom to support you in creating a growth plan that allows you to fully emerge and realize your soul contract. 

He has dedicated himself to understanding and exploring life through his passion for the science of Astrology. He is immersed in the rhythm of life and the language of energy that is Astrology, and he can help you navigate your transformation.

With his methodology including the profound effects of compounding positive habits, Lorenzo will support you to establish a specific path based on your unique abilities. Each session will serve as an accountability check-in, ensuring that you are on a forward path to your goals.



“I have solutions that will guide you to your growth”

-Lorenzo Sanford

Lorenzo’s accountability coaching sessions are for those looking to discover or reconnect to their true purpose while effectively implementing a customized plan to succeed.

Each session is designed to deconstruct harmful habits and the unconscious beliefs that are holding you back.


In your 1-on-1 accountability sessions, you will receive strategies that will empower you :

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Through sharing in weekly 30-minute Zoom calls where we will discuss your goals and assess your progress


Through understanding that you can only rise as high as the systems you rely on to support your life’s objectives.

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Through learning to commit wholeheartedly to a process that will reward you with consistent growth;

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In-depth astrological chart reading
